September 21,2023

N1 Partners: insights and honest opinions.

With 5 years in the iGaming market and numerous collaborations with affiliates, N1 Partners has an impressive journey to recount. Today, we aim to introduce you to the experiences of two of our valued partners, sharing their insights and triumphs.

Q: Can you tell us about your team and how long you've been working with N1 Partners?

A:"We have been working with N1 Partners for about 2 years now."

A:"Our team started out small. At first we were just three brothers working in the IT section. And then we noticed that people were playing slots on Twitch. We decided to dive into that and start our own affiliation company, and our brand has been growing ever since. Currently we have a team of 16 working daily on our website! We've been working with N1 Partners since late 2021, and we have been very pleased with our cooperation!"

Q: What type of traffic does your team work with?

A:"We have mainly PPC traffic but also some SEO."

A:"We mostly focus on organic SEO traffic, as well as direct traffic from streaming platforms. Our website is worldwide, and we have pretty much no limitations!"

Q: How did you first learn about N1 Partners, and what attracted you to work with us as an affiliate?

A:"Our C-levels met N1 Partners' C-level at a conference and started a partnership then. Very good values and honest people."

A:"We knew about N1 Partners since 2018, but somehow never got into a cooperation. We've seen N1 Partners grow larger and larger during the time we were working on our own growth. N1 Partners has amazing quality brands, with a professional team, which, of course, is something we greatly appreciate in a partner!"

Q: What are the benefits of working with a direct advertiser?

A:"Working directly is beneficial because there are no middle hands. You get the traffic directly from us and can always verify that the traffic is of good value."

A:"We've noticed that communication with a direct advertiser is so much smoother than through a third party or an agent. Of course, commission wise this also has its perks, as a direct advertiser has less fees. Direct cooperation is better in every way!"

Q: Could you share your experience participating in the recent promo for the 5th anniversary of our affiliate program and winning an exciting prize? How does it feel to be a winner?

A:"It was very exciting to participate in the recent promo. It was fun to see the progress and also to win a prize for it. The prizes were great and gave a very good incentive to try and be more competitive. It felt great to win but mostly it was fun to participate! Next time let's go for 1st place!"

A:"We were very happy to be part of your anniversary giveaway, and our kids were very happy with the prize!"

Q: In your experience, what types of affiliates would benefit most from joining N1 Partners, and why? What advice would you give them to make the most out of the partnership?

A:"Affiliates with good honest PPC traffic with high value keywords. You get what you pay for, so having good traffic will translate directly to good ROI for both partners and lead to longer partnerships like ours with N1. I think that constant communication and honesty is the best way to forge a partner."

A:"It's very difficult to speak for others. We think N1 Partners does and would greatly benefit from partnering up with livestreaming affiliates like us. Livestreaming has an insane reach, and in our case has over 50.000 unique monthly views. Even if there isn't always direct traffic, it gives a huge amount of brand recognition."

Q: What do you think an affiliate program should have in order to be the best for affiliates?

A:"Good brands, good games, good retention team to make the most of players, and honesty. Making sure the affiliate feels comfortable in the partnership so that they can do the same in return."

A:"We think that clear and frequent communication is the most important thing. Being open, clear, and direct is the best way to build a trustworthy partnership that can continue for years and years. And that's definitely how we feel about N1 Partners!"

A journey of growth, engagement, and mutual success - that's what it's like working with N1 Partners. We're constantly thrilled to welcome new partners on board. Join us today and embark on your path towards even greater rewards!

This is the continuation of the series of interviews we are conducting with our partners. Stay tuned for more!

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